Wednesday 11 January 2017

Attention Please part 01

Know why does this happen to you.
 In the crowd of voices, have yours ever felt mute?
Okay, let's not say a crowd but even in say...a living room with five people; fifth one being 'INDIA WANTS TO KNOW.' That's happened to an awful lot lot of us and it's normal to raise our voice beyond socially accepted levels of decency or wait for the blessings of commercials.
But, imagine, this happening to you every other day wherever you go. In the bus, the trains, (I'll excuse you for that one), among your friends, at home. How traumatic does that become? To be honest, it does affect the mental health at a very large scale. At the same time, too much of "your voice" isn't good either. So, let's address the topic of:
 We as human beings are social animals. That being said, we thrive off of attention i.e. without giving or receiving attention none of our social activities will take place, this includes that post you just "liked" on facebook randomly.
This doesn't mean that every individual can fit in easily in all social settings. This is why there are groups and even in those each member has their own range of attention seeking. You see, attention-seeking stems for many reasons and one of the basic rule is an underlying low self esteem. Attention acts as a booster. So its natural that all teenagers and even adults need attention or as we term "recognition" at some point in their everyday lives. It becomes an issue when there's an excess of it. Do you see that girl who answers wrong even with confidence? She is normal.
Do you see the one who is flustered when asked a question in a classroom and knows the right answers too but makes a huge fuss? Attention seeker.
 Other Reasons for Attention Seeking:
  • Worry/Anxiety: This is the 'do you think I'm not good enough' or 'tell me is this right or wrong?' complex. Basically a cause of drama which is boosted by attention. 
  •  Jealousy: This happens when they feel threatened by someone else who seems to be taking up all the attention. This could be siblings, cousins, nina's new haircut or the new hot girl. 
  • Lack of Self Worth: This is the feeling of being overlooked. Being overlooked by friends, by family, or by boyfriends/girlfriends.
 Inattentive or Abusive parents is another important cause of attention seeking behavior not only in teens but also something carried by adults.

Now, enough 'gyan' (lookup phokat knowlege) is given about the why's of attention seeking teens/adults. In the next part, we will tell you about the types of attention seekers (locate how normal are you and your friends), and what happens if this issue is not addressed.

Until then, stay tuned and drop in reviews in the comment section. Stay healthy and happy reading.

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